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Your Money. 

Your Unique Retirement Journey.

Welcome!  Bragg Comer is a Fee-Only financial planner and the CEO of Bragg Comer Financial Advisors, LLC.  My focus is on financial planning and investment management, concentrating with couples or individual who are 2 to 3 years away from retirement.Bragg Comer

Through years of personal and professional experiences, I have developed a specialty in working with people transitioning from work life to retirement. If you are planning or considering retirement in a few years, I am prepared to help you make the most of your retirement years.

I graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with a Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting and received a Master of Business Administration from Vanderbilt University. Later, I undertook extensive education and examination to obtain the designation of Certified Financial Planner™ Professional (CFP®).

I have an extensive business, investment, listening, and consulting background. My corporate career began in accounting in manufacturing, and where I rose to hold positions as corporate controller, division controller, and merchandising manager. I left the corporate world for several years to pursue several entrepreneurial ventures. Finding the desire to return to my strength and passion in finance and working with people, I obtained the licenses, certifications, and designations to spend the past 20-plus years as an investment advisor and financial planner. 

I have two grown children. My daughter, Margaret Laurie lives with her husband, Holland, and five children in Georgia, and my son, Braxton, his wife, Wimberly, and two children live in Alabama.

I enjoy yoga and walking since my knees no longer allow me to run. I enjoy reading non-fiction works in the areas of psychology, economics and history and am interested in the flow of history and how the Geo-political economy affects markets. My interest in psychology and photography has helped me to develop the ability to look at problems and situations in a larger context and frame solutions over and above the obvious. I also have an affinity for Impressionistic art, especially that of Monet and Renoir, because beyond the initial appearance lies a greater message. Overall, I enjoy the challenge of pulling together just the right details to create a complete picture – whether that has to do with the financial markets, lifestyle questions or planning life-long goals.